Jourdan Didier

Chair holder of the UNESCO Chair “Global Health & Education”, Full Professor at INSPE Clermont-Auvergne

Professor Didier Jourdan is the chair holder of the UNESCO chair “Global Health & Education” and head of the WHO collaborating center for “Research in Education & Health”.

He is full Professor, former Dean of the Faculty of Education and Vice-President of Blaise Pascal University in France. He used to be President of the “prevention, education and health promotion” commission of the French High Council for Public Health and Director of the Health Promotion Division of the French National Public Health Agency. He is among the European leading experts in health education and health promotion. His entire career has been focused on capacity building in the fields of health and education. He has a unique perspective on education and public health from his experience as a practitioner in both fields, an innovator, a leader, a manager, a workforce educator, a consultant and a researcher at national and global levels.

Website of the UNESCO chair and WHO collaborating Centre [LINK TO: ]

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