Lesco Galina

Head of National Resource Centre for Youth-Friendly Health Services, NEOVITA Health for Youth Association, Moldova

Dr. Galina Lesco is the founder and coordinator of the Health for Youth Association which was created as one of the first youth health friendly centers in the Republic of Moldova – NEOVITA, and now serves as a National Resource Centre in Adolescent Health and youth friendly health services in the country. Dr. Lesco has experience as scientific researcher in the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova and the Mother and Child Institute. She coordinated and was one of the main co-authors on series of national studies in adolescent health, such as the KAP studies in adolescent health and development, 2003, 2012, and is a PI of the National HBSC team since 2014 and the ACE study in 2016. She also has experience in coordinating comprehensive projects at the national level, such as “Healthy Generation – youth friendly health services in Republic of Moldova”, that includes a focus on implementation and research on educational programs for parents. Dr. Lesco has also led other specific projects of relevance, such as “Piloting of Community Services in antenatal and parental education”, implemented by NGO “Health for Youth”, under the sponsorship SDC. She was main author of National Strategy in Child and Adolescent Health, that is now in approval process and has experience as a consulting adviser to the WHO and UNICEF in development of quality standards of YFHS in Ukraine, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan. As a clinician, Dr. Lesco has a specialized training in child and adolescent gynecology and has extensive experience in working with vulnerable girls and their families.

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